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  • Writer's pictureNaima Bagot

Voice & My ePortfolio

A major part of COVA; choice, ownership, voice, and authentic learning, is the learner’s voice, which essentially showcases their authentic learning. As I move through the ADL Program here at Lamar University, I am able to really live the process that I am sharing with my students. Still barely scratching the surface of what all my ePortfolio will include, I find myself constantly reviewing and reflecting on the work placed in it. It is both rewarding, yet humbling to see the process of my learning unfold in front of me. The challenge for me is knowing when to step away from certain parts of it, to give myself time to truly reflect, before adding or changing something about it. I have to remind myself that it isn’t ‘perfection’ that I am looking for in this process, but instead a real representation of myself and my work. With each activity, and the autonomy that we are given as learners, I am able to discover and explore content in a way that allows me to soak in the parts that are significant to me and my learning journey. This is probably the piece that I emphasize the most to the students I am working with. Each assignment and activity is unique to them in a way, and what they take away will be different for each of them.

My ePortfolio is far from perfect and will never really be finished, but it will continue to evolve and grow with me.

Take a look and tell me what you think!

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