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Image by Andrew Neel

Assessment of Digital Learning

Examining the instructional impact the implementation of my innovation plan has on creating effective digital learning environments, while also exploring how action research can be applied to measuring instructional methods and innovative approaches in instructional design.

Action Research Outline

Image by UX Indonesia

I have chosen a research topic that has revealed itself as significant over the course of the past several months. In my role on my campus, I have the opportunity to work with both students and teachers in different learning and training capacities, which affords me the opportunity to really observe behavior. By implementing my innovation plan in one department, I have been able to really see how essential and necessary ePortfolios are as a tool and not just a place to store things. ePortfolio can be used as a tool for college and job-specific endeavors for both students and teachers.

Take a look at the FULL outline and planning docs here 

Literature Review 

With a shift from teacher-centered instructional environments to ones that are student-centered, institutions are held responsible for proving progression and growth in student learning.  This review explores the research behind the purpose and usefulness of ePortfolios as a tool for career and college attainment. This paper aims to examine the perceptions of ePortfolios use as a college and career-seeking tool by high school students and young adults.

Image by Tamara Gak

Take a look at the FULL Literature Review here 

Research Plan

Image by Brett Jordan

Take a look at the Research Plan here 

As educators, it is our responsibility to not only prepare students for life outside of the classroom but to equip them with global citizenship that is both responsible and adaptive. Being able to utilize technology seamlessly is a critical part of that preparation, along with the ability to harness a growth mindset. As a result, I find myself compelled to do my action research on a topic that continued to hold significance over the duration of the ADL program.

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