The information and tips provided for getting started with ePortfolios will be beneficial for my own ePortfolio as well as the students (and teachers) I will be working with for my Innovation Plan.
After reviewing the page on Minimalist Fundamentals of ePortfolios, I felt even more connected to the purpose behind utilizing ePortfolios. The website spells out the why, how, and the importance of creating, learning from, and taking ownership of the ePortfolio as a whole. One area that I can say resonated with me the most was the emphasis on ownership. While I began my ePortfolio in 5302, I plan to dedicate more time to specific areas, such as the blog component to really showcase my learning in real time. There are many possibilities and opportunities when it comes to blog posting, and I look forward to diving more into that aspect over the next 8 weeks and beyond.
Dr. H also points out on the Making Connections page, that in order for a display of authentic learning to take place, one has to avoid turning an ePortfolio into a "digital file cabinet". This resonated with me quite a bit because it aligns with one of my primary purposes in wanting to implement ePortfolios in the first place. Physical portfolios have been something in the past that simply turned into a storage space that was rarely utilized outside of the class it was assigned in, and oftentimes students either misplaced or simply discarded at the end of the year. This defeats their purpose in my opinion. As I move through my Innovation Plan my goals will continue to be centered around the learning, while allowing myself, and the students the opportunity to take ownership in their journey of developing an ePortfolio.